PCA plot significance

I have made my PCA plots for each hour of the differential expression analysis (Figure below).


I want to add statistical tests and significance to support the differential gene expression at each time point (suggestion from Dr. Kevin Wong - thank you!).

Kevin sent me his Physiology Analysis Rmd for a paper he’s currently working on, which has this PCA in it with PERMANOVAs included:

Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 10 49 21 AM

I want to also do a PERMANOVA for my PCA plots.

What I’ve got so far:

Example of DDS object creation for hour 0 (control vs. wounded):

countdata_0 <- countsmatrix %>% dplyr::select(`0301C1`:`0306Z`)

metadata_0 = data.frame(sample=colnames(countdata_0),
                condition = stringr::str_detect(pattern = ".*C.*",string = colnames(countdata_0)),
                hour = stringr::str_replace(pattern = "(.).*",replacement="\\1",string = colnames(countdata_0)),
 id = stringr::str_replace(pattern=".(...).*",replacement="\\1",string=colnames(countdata_0)))

#changing TRUE and FALSE for condition to Control and Wounded
metadata_0$condition[str_detect(metadata_0$condition,"TRUE")] <- "Control"
metadata_0$condition[str_detect(metadata_0$condition,"FALSE")] <- "Wounded"

metadata_0 <- metadata_0 %>% column_to_rownames("sample")

metadata_0$condition <- as.factor(metadata_0$condition)

#DESeq2 from a counts matrix; requires count data, metadata, and the experimental design
dds_0=DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countdata_0, colData = metadata_0, design = ~condition)
dds_0 <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_0)

#prefiltering recommended by DESeq2 Vignette (removes anything with reads below 10)
keep_0 <- rowSums(counts(dds_0)) >= 10
dds_0 <- dds_0[keep_0,]


#5 downregulated genes (3 outliers), no upregulated genes

#identifying significant genes
resSig_h0<-res_h0[which(res_h0$padj<0.05), ]

#annotate results to include Gene Function

Principal component analysis plot and Scree plots

#need to transform the data for plotting
dds_vst0<- vst(dds_0,blind=FALSE)
#plotPCA is one function to do it, or you can use the "prcomp" function, which lets you create a scree plot
pca_h0 <- prcomp(t(assay(dds_vst0)))

PCA figures for manuscript

#plotting the PCA in ggplot
pca12_0 <- plotPCA(dds_vst0,intgroup=c("condition"),returnData = TRUE)
pca_0 = ggplot(pca12_0, aes(PC1,PC2,shape=condition,color=condition)) + 
  geom_point(size=3) +  
  xlab(paste0("PC1 (49%)")) +
  ylab(paste0("PC2 (24%)")) +
  theme(legend.position="right")  + 
  theme(text = element_text(size=12))  + 
  theme(legend.key.size = unit(0.5, "cm")) + 
  theme(legend.title=element_text(size=12)) +
  scale_shape_discrete(name="Condition") +
  scale_color_discrete(name="Condition") +

Now I’m having trouble with the PERMANOVA part.

## This is the section of code Kevin used:

  master <- join_all(dfs, by=c("Fragment.ID", "Day", "Group"))
  master.pca <- master
  coral_info<-master.pca[c(2,3)] #columns 2 and 3 are "Day" and "Group" in his metadata file

#Examine PERMANOVA results.  
# scale data
vegan <- scale(master.pca[c(4:18)]) #these columns he created as calculations for physiology metrics (i.e. ChlC2.ugcell,  Carb.mgcell, Protein.mgcell)

permanova<-adonis(vegan ~ Day*Group, data = master.pca, method='eu')

## Permutation: free
## Number of permutations: 999
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##           Df SumsOfSqs MeanSqs F.Model      R2 Pr(>F)    
## Day        2    174.38  87.189  9.0242 0.26421  0.001 ***
## Group      2     78.41  39.205  4.0577 0.11880  0.002 ** 
## Day:Group  4     59.39  14.848  1.5368 0.08999  0.069 .  
## Residuals 36    347.82   9.662         0.52700           
## Total     44    660.00                 1.00000           
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

I think I need to make a dataset like this

Sample ID Condition Pdam0000001
301 Control 6
302 Control 18
303 Control 12
304 Wounded 12
305 Wounded 20
306 Wounded 43

Ok, when I rearranged the data to look like that, the permanova didn’t work.


#first need to restructure results matrix so that it includes each row as a sample with the condition, and then each column is a gene
hour0_countsmatrix <- assay(dds_0)
t(hour0_countsmatrix) -> hour0_countsmatrix 
#we use the dds object instead of the original countdata_0 matrix because this has filtered out genes with low counts (<10)
PCA.h0.countsdata <- merge(metadata_0, hour0_countsmatrix, by='row.names', all=TRUE)
# scale data
vegan <- scale(PCA.h0.countsdata[c(5:19451)]) #we just want to scale the gene counts

permanova<-adonis2(vegan ~ condition, data = PCA.h0.countsdata, method='eu', na.rm = TRUE, nperm = 999)

Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 1 13 18 PM

So I think maybe it has to be formatted a different way.

Sample ID Condition Gene Count
301 Control Pdam0001 6
302 Control Pdam0001 18
303 Control Pdam0001 12
304 Wounded Pdam0001 12
305 Wounded Pdam0001 20
306 Wounded Pdam0001 43

And then the design for the PERMANOVA would actually be count ~ gene*condition

Let’s try that:

#first need to restructure results matrix so that it includes each row as a sample with the condition, and then each column is a gene
#we use the dds object instead of the original countdata_0 matrix because this has filtered out genes with low counts (<10)
hour0_countsmatrix <- assay(dds_0)
head(hour0_countsmatrix) #first gene is pdam_00021773
tail(hour0_countsmatrix) #last gene is pdam_00025493
t(hour0_countsmatrix) %>% as.data.frame() -> hour0_countsmatrix 

PCA.h0.countsdata <- merge(metadata_0, hour0_countsmatrix, by='row.names', all=TRUE)
PCA.h0.countsdata %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = pdam_00021773:pdam_00025493, names_to = "Gene ID", values_to = "Count") %>% as.matrix()->PCA.h0.countsdata_longformat

permanova<-adonis2(Count ~ `Gene ID`*condition, data = PCA.h0.countsdata_longformat, method='eu')

Doesn’t work. Error:Error in eval(YVAR, environment(formula), globalenv()) : object ‘Count’ not found

This is what the long format data frame looks like:

Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 1 42 30 PM

I’m so confused. I thought maybe i would want Gene and Condition and Gene:Condition as the terms for the PERMANOVA. I need to look up adonis2 and what it accepts in the formula.

From adonis CRAN file “The left-hand side (LHS) of the formula must be either a community data matrix or a dissimilarity matrix, e.g., from vegdist or dist.”

So that’s why Kevin used “vegan” as his input variable in the formula, which is a matrix of just his dependent variables.

Adonis/Vegan is essentially running some sort of dissimilarity assessment, so it needs a matrix to run it on. So you can’t put all the counts into one column.

I think I’m back to square one, where I actually got a result (133-150). I think it worked but it didn’t give me significant results. I ran it for each hour as well, here is that code and screenshots of the results below.

PERMANOVA for hour 0

#we use the dds object instead of the original countdata_0 matrix because this has filtered out genes with low counts (<10)
hour0_countsmatrix <- assay(dds_0)
t(hour0_countsmatrix) -> hour0_countsmatrix 
PCA.h0.countsdata <- merge(metadata_0, hour0_countsmatrix, by='row.names', all=TRUE)

# scale data
vegan <- scale(PCA.h0.countsdata[c(5:19451)]) #we just want to scale the gene counts

permanova<-adonis2(vegan ~ condition, data = PCA.h0.countsdata, method='eu', na.rm=TRUE, nperm = 999)

Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 3 19 19 PM

PERMANOVA for hour 1

#we use the dds object instead of the original countdata_0 matrix because this has filtered out genes with low counts (<10)
hour1_countsmatrix <- assay(dds_1)
t(hour1_countsmatrix) -> hour1_countsmatrix 
PCA.h1.countsdata <- merge(metadata_1, hour1_countsmatrix, by='row.names', all=TRUE)

# scale data
vegan <- scale(PCA.h1.countsdata[c(5:19536)]) #we just want to scale the gene counts

permanova<-adonis2(vegan ~ condition, data = PCA.h1.countsdata, method='eu', na.rm=TRUE, nperm = 999)

Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 3 19 37 PM

PERMANOVA for hour 2

#we use the dds object instead of the original countdata_0 matrix because this has filtered out genes with low counts (<10)
hour2_countsmatrix <- assay(dds_2)
t(hour2_countsmatrix) -> hour2_countsmatrix 
PCA.h2.countsdata <- merge(metadata_2, hour2_countsmatrix, by='row.names', all=TRUE)

# scale data
vegan <- scale(PCA.h2.countsdata[c(5:19779)]) #we just want to scale the gene counts

permanova<-adonis2(vegan ~ condition, data = PCA.h2.countsdata, method='eu', na.rm=TRUE, nperm = 999)

Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 3 19 59 PM

PERMANOVA for hour 4

#we use the dds object instead of the original countdata_0 matrix because this has filtered out genes with low counts (<10)
hour4_countsmatrix <- assay(dds_4)
t(hour4_countsmatrix) -> hour4_countsmatrix 
PCA.h4.countsdata <- merge(metadata_4, hour4_countsmatrix, by='row.names', all=TRUE)

# scale data
vegan <- scale(PCA.h4.countsdata[c(5:19773)]) #we just want to scale the gene counts

permanova<-adonis2(vegan ~ condition, data = PCA.h4.countsdata, method='eu', na.rm=TRUE, nperm = 999)

Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 3 23 15 PM

I also tried running it without the scale() function for hour 4 and I got a less significant result. Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 3 20 45 PM

I’m going to abandon this analysis for the time being because I don’t think this is super necessary for the PCA plots anyways.

Written on November 21, 2022