renaming trimmed files

Following the fastp trimming code, all the file names ended in “.clean.processed” and that prevented them from being recognized as fastq.gz files for the next step in the pipeline. So I needed to write a for-loop to remove those suffices from all file names.

what ended up working was:

files=($(ls /scratch/projects/and_transcriptomics/Ch2_temperaturevariability2023/AS_pipeline/trimmed))

for file in "${files[@]}"; do     
echo "Original: $file  |  Without Suffix: $filename";          
mv "$file" "$filename"; 

I ran this code twice (and had to redefine the files variable in between) so that it would first remove “.processed” then remove “.clean”. The “%.*” part is what tells it to remove anything after the last period, including the period.

Thanks ChatGPT!

Written on July 23, 2023