some wins against Pegasus

After meeting with Anthony Bonacolta, I finally got some help as to why my job submissions to Pegasus weren’t working. First, the alias “compute” that I created includes “bsub -P and_transcriptomics” and I was trying to do compute .sh every time I submitted a job. When I did it this way, it also wasn’t recognizing when i put something in the bigmem queue and would put it in the general queue.

Anthony said that because in my .sh file, I had already specified the -P flag in the # at the top, I don’t need to do it again when I submit the job.

Instead, just run:

bsub <

And this has worked for me every time so far!

So now for the CCC samples, I’ve trimmed the adapters and short reads, and then I wrote a second job to trim the polyA tails (because in TrimGalore you need to trim things sequentially, idk why). I’ve also run fastqc and multiqc on the trimmed reads, and I will run that again on the trimmed_trimmed reads (w/o polyA tails hopefully).

For the stress-hardening samples, I ran fastqc and multiqc on the raw reads, and I am currently running TrimGalore to remove the adapters and short reads. Then I’ll do the same thing with the polyA tail code and then run fastqc and multiqc again.

Written on June 7, 2023