GLMMS for Stress-Hardening IPAM Data

Based on the PPT from Kevin, I think my Fv/Fm data falls into a Percentage/Proportion data type, where numerical data is bound from 0-1. The assumption for this is that there is overdispersion (the mean is < the variance). The code provided in the PPT as an example was: glmmTMB::glmmTMB(survival ~ treatment + (1|sample), family= list(family=”beta”, link=”logit”)

PAM data during 28-day temperature treatment

```{r, echo = F, warning = F, include = T, fig.cap = “Fv/Fm values of corals within the control or variable treatment during the one-month treatment period (March 23-April 20).”} #what are the differences in Fv/Fm between treatments? (pre-CBASS) ipam_tidy_data %>% dplyr::filter(!Treatment_period == “CBASS”) %>% drop_na(Colony) %>% #this is because there are some corals that never matched up to IPAM values so they’re just NA dplyr::select(Date, Colony, Puck, Tank, fvfm, Treatment, Species) %>% dplyr::filter(fvfm < 0.75) %>% #filter out the outliers, 0.75 was set in Cunning et al 2021 dplyr::filter(Date <= “2022-04-20”) %>% mutate(Date = as.factor(Date)) %>% dplyr::group_by(Treatment, Date, Species) %>% ggplot(., aes(x=Date, y=fvfm, fill = Treatment)) + geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~Species) + scale_x_discrete(labels = c(“Mar 16”, “Mar 21”, “Apr 6”, “Apr 20”)) + theme_classic() + labs(y = “Fv/Fm”) + scale_fill_manual(labels=c(“Control”, “Variable”), values = c( “#60DBDB”, “#F54A34”))

#stats for the boxplot of pre-CBASS raw Fv/Fm values
ipam_tidy_data %>% 
  filter(Species == "Pclivosa") %>% 
  drop_na(Tank, Colony, Treatment, fvfm, Date) %>% 
  filter(fvfm < 1) -> Pcli_ipam_data_preCBASS #some fvfm values are >1 which is incorrect....

ipam_tidy_data %>% 
  filter(Species == "Acervicornis") %>% 
  drop_na(Tank, Colony, Treatment) %>% 
  filter(fvfm < 1) -> Acer_ipam_data_preCBASS #some fvfm values are >1 which is incorrect....

summary(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(fvfm ~ Treatment + (1|Colony) + (1|Tank/Date), family=list(family="beta", link="logit"), data=Pcli_ipam_data_preCBASS))

summary(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(fvfm ~ Treatment + (1|Colony) + (1|Tank/Date), family=list(family="beta", link="logit"), data=Acer_ipam_data_preCBASS))

For the glmmTMB function, I get this error: Warning: some components missing from ‘family’: downstream methods may failWarning: specifying ‘family’ as a plain list is deprecated So i think there is something wrong with the family= part of the formula.

For Pclivosa, this was the summary of the model: Family: beta ( logit ) Formula: fvfm ~ Treatment + (1 | Colony) + (1 | Tank/Date) Data: Pcli_ipam_data_preCBASS

 AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid   -2191.1  -2166.7   1101.6  -2203.1      429 

Random effects:

Conditional model: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Colony (Intercept) 3.924e-03 6.264e-02 Date:Tank (Intercept) 1.915e-02 1.384e-01 Tank (Intercept) 1.688e-09 4.109e-05 Number of obs: 435, groups: Colony, 3; Date:Tank, 12; Tank, 4

Dispersion parameter for beta family (): 787

Conditional model: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 0.03057 0.06725 0.455 0.649 TreatmentVariable -0.05018 0.08019 -0.626 0.531

For Acervicornis, this was the summary of the model: Family: beta ( logit ) Formula: fvfm ~ Treatment + (1 | Colony) + (1 | Tank/Date) Data: Acer_ipam_data_preCBASS

 AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid   -1524.8  -1501.2    768.4  -1536.8      370 

Random effects:

Conditional model: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Colony (Intercept) 3.403e-03 5.834e-02 Date:Tank (Intercept) 6.649e-02 2.579e-01 Tank (Intercept) 1.056e-09 3.249e-05 Number of obs: 376, groups: Colony, 3; Date:Tank, 12; Tank, 4

Dispersion parameter for beta family (): 295

Conditional model: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 0.06647 0.11085 0.600 0.549 TreatmentVariable 0.19180 0.14938 1.284 0.199

To calculate the p-value, there are three options (according to Kevin’s PPT):

  1. Likelihood ratio test (anova of model 1 vs. model 2 with and without the fixed effect)
  2. Satterthwaite approximation (for normal/gaussian distributions)
  3. Wald/chi-square approximation (for binomial, poisson distributions)

I think my data is a binomial distribution, so I will try the Wald/chi-square approximation.

I found this useful PDF as part of the glmmTMB vignette called “model_evaluation”.

It mentions this package called “DHARMa”, which helps create residual diagnostic plots.

Pcli_fvfm_GLMM <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(fvfm ~ Treatment + (1|Colony) + (1|Tank/Date), family=list(family="beta", link="logit"), data=Pcli_ipam_data_preCBASS)

Pcli_fvfm_GLMM_simres <- simulateResiduals(Pcli_fvfm_GLMM)

The variance is significant, so I don’t think you can do a regular anova.

I’m not sure what the assumptions are for the Chi-squared test, but the code for that is:

stats::drop1(Pcli_fvfm_GLMM,test=”Chisq”) #code source:

Result: Single term deletions Model: fvfm ~ Treatment + (1 | Colony) + (1 | Tank/Date) Df AIC LRT Pr(>Chi)

-2191.1 Treatment 1 -2192.7 0.38531 0.5348 This is all for Pclivosa though so we expect this to not be significant anyways (based on how the boxplot looks). Ok now let's try for Acervicornis. ```{r} Acer_fvfm_GLMM <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(fvfm ~ Treatment + (1|Colony) + (1|Tank/Date), family=list(family="beta", link="logit"), data=Acer_ipam_data_preCBASS) summary(Acer_fvfm_GLMM) Acer_fvfm_GLMM_simres <- simulateResiduals(Acer_fvfm_GLMM) plot(Acer_fvfm_GLMM_simres) #things are significant, so I don't think you can do a regular anova stats::drop1(Acer_fvfm_GLMM,test="Chisq") #not significant ``` Result: Single term deletions Model: fvfm ~ Treatment + (1 | Colony) + (1 | Tank/Date) Df AIC LRT Pr(>Chi) -1524.8 Treatment 1 -1525.2 1.545 0.2139 My next step I think is to try to normalize the Fv/Fm to the initial value, and then redo these stat tests and see if that helps at all. If not, then none of these are significant. Which is fine.
Written on January 29, 2023