GO Analysis
In doing the gene ontology enrichment analysis for biological processes (comparing control vs. wounded at each time point), we don’t get any meaningful GO terms that pop up.
#following Michael Connelly's code (github)
#Input required *P. damicornis* GO annotation data and construct Gene-to-GO object for custom annotation mapping
GO_geneID<-readMappings(file="../2022 updates with Sami Beasley/pdam_genome_GOgenes.txt") #Mike made this file
geneID_GO <- inverseList(GO_geneID)
#Generate gene universe and GO universe from Gene-to-GO and GO-to-Gene objects
geneNames <- names(geneID_GO)
GONames <- names(GO_geneID)
Hour 0 had no annotated significant genes so we skip that (GO analysis isn’t useful for unknown function genes)
#label differentially expressed genes as '1' and non-significant genes as '0'
res_h1_GO<- res_h1_GO%>%mutate(Group=case_when(padj<0.05~"1",padj>=0.05~"0"))
#create the gene universe
names(gene_universe_h1) <- rownames(res_h1_GO)
#create topGO data object
GO_BP_h1 <-new("topGOdata",
gene2GO = geneID_GO)
# tests to identify enriched gene ontology terms
GO_BP_h1_resultFisher01<-runTest(GO_BP_h1,algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
GO_BP_h1_resultFisherclassic<-runTest(GO_BP_h1,algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
GO_BP_h1_resultclassicKS <- runTest(GO_BP_h1, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "ks")
GO_BP_h1_resultelimKS <- runTest(GO_BP_h1, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "ks")
#generate results table
Fisher01 = GO_BP_h1_resultFisher01,
Fisherclassic = GO_BP_h1_resultFisherclassic,
classicKS = GO_BP_h1_resultclassicKS,
elimKS = GO_BP_h1_resultelimKS,
topNodes = 50)
showSigOfNodes(GO_BP_h1,score(GO_BP_h1_resultelimKS),firstSigNodes = 5,useInfo = 'all')
GO_BP_h1_resultstable %>% filter(Significant >= 1) %>% mutate(hour=1)-> sigGO_BP_h1 #filter for genes from this time point that are significantly associated with the GO terms (which are also significantly enriched)
#label differentially expressed genes as '1' and non-significant genes as '0'
res_h2_GO<- res_h2_GO%>%mutate(Group=case_when(padj<0.05~"1",padj>=0.05~"0"))
#create the gene universe
names(gene_universe_h2) <- rownames(res_h2_GO)
#create topGO data object
GO_BP_h2 <-new("topGOdata",
gene2GO = geneID_GO)
# tests to identify enriched gene ontology terms
GO_BP_h2_resultFisher01<-runTest(GO_BP_h2,algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
GO_BP_h2_resultFisherclassic<-runTest(GO_BP_h2,algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
GO_BP_h2_resultclassicKS <- runTest(GO_BP_h2, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "ks")
GO_BP_h2_resultelimKS <- runTest(GO_BP_h2, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "ks")
#generate results table
Fisher01 = GO_BP_h2_resultFisher01,
Fisherclassic = GO_BP_h2_resultFisherclassic,
classicKS = GO_BP_h2_resultclassicKS,
elimKS = GO_BP_h2_resultelimKS,
topNodes = 50)
showSigOfNodes(GO_BP_h2,score(GO_BP_h2_resultelimKS),firstSigNodes = 5,useInfo = 'all')
GO_BP_h2_resultstable %>% filter(Significant >= 1) %>% mutate(hour=2)-> sigGO_BP_h2 #filter for genes from this time point that are significantly associated with the GO terms (which are also significantly enriched)
#label differentially expressed genes as '1' and non-significant genes as '0'
res_h4_GO<- res_h4_GO%>%mutate(Group=case_when(padj<0.05~"1",padj>=0.05~"0"))
#create the gene universe
names(gene_universe_h4) <- rownames(res_h4_GO)
#create topGO data object
GO_BP_h4 <-new("topGOdata",
gene2GO = geneID_GO)
# tests to identify enriched gene ontology terms
GO_BP_h4_resultFisher01<-runTest(GO_BP_h4,algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
GO_BP_h4_resultFisherclassic<-runTest(GO_BP_h4,algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
GO_BP_h4_resultclassicKS <- runTest(GO_BP_h4, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "ks")
GO_BP_h4_resultelimKS <- runTest(GO_BP_h4, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "ks")
#generate results table
Fisher01 = GO_BP_h4_resultFisher01,
Fisherclassic = GO_BP_h4_resultFisherclassic,
classicKS = GO_BP_h4_resultclassicKS,
elimKS = GO_BP_h4_resultelimKS,
topNodes = 50)
showSigOfNodes(GO_BP_h4,score(GO_BP_h4_resultelimKS),firstSigNodes = 5,useInfo = 'all')
GO_BP_h4_resultstable %>% filter(Significant >= 1) %>% mutate(hour=4)-> sigGO_BP_h4 #filter for genes from this time point that are significantly associated with the GO terms (which are also significantly enriched)
full_join(sigGO_BP_h1, sigGO_BP_h2) %>% full_join(., sigGO_BP_h4) %>% #109 GO terms total
filter(Fisher01 < 0.05) #11 GO terms now
full_join(sigGO_BP_h1, sigGO_BP_h2) %>% full_join(., sigGO_BP_h4) %>% #109 GO terms total
filter(Fisherclassic < 0.05) #16 GO terms now
full_join(sigGO_BP_h1, sigGO_BP_h2) %>% full_join(., sigGO_BP_h4) %>%
filter(Fisherclassic < 0.05) %>%
mutate(GO_term=str_c(GO.ID,Term, sep=" ")) %>%
mutate(Fisherclassic=as.numeric(Fisherclassic), hour=as.factor(hour)) %>%
ggplot(., aes(x=reorder(GO_term, -log10(Fisherclassic)), y=-log10(Fisherclassic), fill = hour)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) +
theme_classic() +
coord_flip() +
labs(y="-log10(p-value)", x="Biological Process") +
We’re going to try this now for molecular function (when Sami did it, she got terms related to peroxidase activity, which is immune related).
#create topGO data object
GO_MF_h1 <-new("topGOdata",
gene2GO = geneID_GO)
# tests to identify enriched gene ontology terms
GO_MF_h1_resultFisher01<-runTest(GO_MF_h1,algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
GO_MF_h1_resultFisherclassic<-runTest(GO_MF_h1,algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
GO_MF_h1_resultclassicKS <- runTest(GO_MF_h1, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "ks")
GO_MF_h1_resultelimKS <- runTest(GO_MF_h1, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "ks")
#generate results table
Fisher01 = GO_MF_h1_resultFisher01,
Fisherclassic = GO_MF_h1_resultFisherclassic,
classicKS = GO_MF_h1_resultclassicKS,
elimKS = GO_MF_h1_resultelimKS,
topNodes = 50)
showSigOfNodes(GO_MF_h1,score(GO_MF_h1_resultelimKS),firstSigNodes = 5,useInfo = 'all')
GO_MF_h1_resultstable %>% filter(Significant >= 1) %>% mutate(hour=1)-> sigGO_MF_h1 #filter for genes from this time point that are significantly associated with the GO terms (which are also significantly enriched)
#create topGO data object
GO_MF_h2 <-new("topGOdata",
gene2GO = geneID_GO)
# tests to identify enriched gene ontology terms
GO_MF_h2_resultFisher01<-runTest(GO_MF_h2,algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
GO_MF_h2_resultFisherclassic<-runTest(GO_MF_h2,algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
GO_MF_h2_resultclassicKS <- runTest(GO_MF_h2, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "ks")
GO_MF_h2_resultelimKS <- runTest(GO_MF_h2, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "ks")
#generate results table
Fisher01 = GO_MF_h2_resultFisher01,
Fisherclassic = GO_MF_h2_resultFisherclassic,
classicKS = GO_MF_h2_resultclassicKS,
elimKS = GO_MF_h2_resultelimKS,
topNodes = 50)
showSigOfNodes(GO_MF_h2,score(GO_MF_h2_resultelimKS),firstSigNodes = 5,useInfo = 'all')
GO_MF_h2_resultstable %>% filter(Significant >= 1) %>% mutate(hour=2)-> sigGO_MF_h2 #filter for genes from this time point that are significantly associated with the GO terms (which are also significantly enriched)
#create topGO data object
GO_MF_h4 <-new("topGOdata",
gene2GO = geneID_GO)
# tests to identify enriched gene ontology terms
GO_MF_h4_resultFisher01<-runTest(GO_MF_h4,algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "fisher")
GO_MF_h4_resultFisherclassic<-runTest(GO_MF_h4,algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
GO_MF_h4_resultclassicKS <- runTest(GO_MF_h4, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "ks")
GO_MF_h4_resultelimKS <- runTest(GO_MF_h4, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "ks")
#generate results table
Fisher01 = GO_MF_h4_resultFisher01,
Fisherclassic = GO_MF_h4_resultFisherclassic,
classicKS = GO_MF_h4_resultclassicKS,
elimKS = GO_MF_h4_resultelimKS,
topNodes = 50)
showSigOfNodes(GO_MF_h4,score(GO_MF_h4_resultelimKS),firstSigNodes = 5,useInfo = 'all')
GO_MF_h4_resultstable %>% filter(Significant >= 1) %>% mutate(hour=4)-> sigGO_MF_h4 #filter for genes from this time point that are significantly associated with the GO terms (which are also significantly enriched)
full_join(sigGO_MF_h1, sigGO_MF_h2) %>% full_join(., sigGO_MF_h4) %>% #144 GO terms total
filter(Fisher01 < 0.05) #14 GO terms now
full_join(sigGO_MF_h1, sigGO_MF_h2) %>% full_join(., sigGO_MF_h4) %>% #144 GO terms total
filter(Fisherclassic < 0.05) #25 GO terms now
full_join(sigGO_MF_h1, sigGO_MF_h2) %>% full_join(., sigGO_MF_h4) %>%
filter(Fisherclassic < 0.05) %>%
mutate(GO_term=str_c(GO.ID,Term, sep=" ")) %>%
mutate(Fisherclassic=as.numeric(Fisherclassic), hour=as.factor(hour)) %>%
ggplot(., aes(x=reorder(GO_term, -log10(Fisherclassic)), y=-log10(Fisherclassic), fill = hour)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) +
theme_classic() +
coord_flip() +
labs(y="-log10(p-value)", x="Molecular Function") +
We get some cool terms related to immune system activity!!!
Is there a way to make this figure look better…
I think I want to try to make a dotplot, like in Traylor-Knowles et al. 2021
I followed Mel’s code from the 2021 paper on Github
Here is my code:
#dot plot
full_join(sigGO_MF_h1, sigGO_MF_h2) %>% full_join(., sigGO_MF_h4) %>%
filter(Fisherclassic < 0.05) %>%
mutate(Fisherclassic = as.numeric(Fisherclassic)) %>%
ggplot(data=., aes(x=-log(Fisherclassic), y=reorder(Term, -Fisherclassic))) +
geom_point(aes(size=Annotated, color=-log(Fisherclassic))) +
scale_color_viridis(option="plasma") +
labs(x="-log P-Value", y="Gene Ontology Term Description", title=paste("Significant Molecular Function"), color = "-log(P-value)") +
scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) str_wrap(x, width = 50)) +
What’s annoying me is that some of the GO terms are cut-off, and no matter how I try to scale or wrap the text on the Y axis, nothing helps. This is because I realized it’s actually the annotation itself from the topGO function. It must have something where after a certain number of characters it just automatically adds “…” to the end. I have been googling and I can’t figure out how to extract the whole term. Unfortunately I think I need to manually edit it in Illustrator. I can google the GO terms and get the same result using QuickGO and just searching the term and picking the most annotated one. They seem to all match so far.
I also don’t like how the size for the annotation circles is like super high (1000-3000) but it seems like a lot of the values are small. I am going to try to fix the range of circles given so that more sizes are provided.
I couldn’t figure out how to add more circles to the Annotated key, so I just changed the range of sizes on the points on the plot themselves so they were scaled a bit larger overall.
I also realized I needed to separate it by hour, so I added that as well.
#dot plot
full_join(sigGO_MF_h1, sigGO_MF_h2) %>% full_join(., sigGO_MF_h4) %>%
filter(Fisherclassic < 0.05) %>%
mutate(Fisherclassic = as.numeric(Fisherclassic)) %>%
mutate(Annotated = as.numeric(Annotated)) %>%
ggplot(data=., aes(x=-log(Fisherclassic), y=reorder(Term, -Fisherclassic))) +
geom_point(aes(size=Annotated, color=-log(Fisherclassic))) +
scale_color_viridis(option="plasma") +
labs(x="-log P-Value", y="Gene Ontology Term Description", title=paste("Significant Molecular Functions"), color = "-log(P-value)") +
scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) str_wrap(x, width = 30)) +
theme_bw() +
facet_grid(vars(hour), scales = "free") +
scale_size(range = c(2,6))
I need to bring this into Illustrator now and edit it manually.