Take 2 with CRW DHW MMM
I am revisiting this post from last year, where I was trying to download data from NOAA’s CRW to calculate MMM and DHW for my reef sites. Post here
I found Dr. Ana Palacio’s code on her GitHub that documents really well her scripts for downloading the data from NOAA’s database.
First, I downloaded the .nc file here: https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/sod/mecb/crw/data/5km/v3.1_op/climatology/nc/
Then, I needed to download a package for the terminal that allows me to read .nc files.
brew update
brew install netcdf
ncdump -h ct5km_climatology_v3.1.nc
I can see in the header that I think it includes all lat, lon coordinates.
Now, I read it into R using Ana’s code:
```{r Extract_OISST_data, cache=TRUE} library(raster) library(parallel) library(ncdf4)
# Read climatology file Climatology_MMM <- “ct5km_climatology_v3.1.nc” MMM.data <- brick(Climatology_MMM) #MMM.data
# KB Nursery lat_KB <- (25.6763) lon_KB <- (-80.0987) extract.pts_KB <- cbind(lon_KB,lat_KB)
#CCC lat.CCC <- (25.766626) lon.CCC <- (-80.144812) extract_CCC <- cbind(lon.CCC, lat.CCC)
#MMM <- raster::extract(MMM.data, extract.pts,method=”bilinear”) MMM <- raster::extract(MMM.data, extract.pts_KB,method=”simple”) MMM_CCC <- raster::extract(MMM.data, extract_CCC,method=”simple”)
write.csv(MMM, “KB_CRW_MMM_1985-2012.csv”, row.names=FALSE)
write.csv(MMM_CCC, “CCC_CRW_MMM_1985-2012.csv”, row.names=FALSE)
MMM for both sites (they’re within 5 km of each other) is 29.54